
Electric Fetus

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534 results found


Title Artist Release Date Label Format
Life On Earth Tiny Vipers 2009-07-07 Sub Pop CD
Around the Well [Vinyl] Iron & Wine 2009-05-19 SUB POP Vinyl
Enter The Vaselines [Deluxe Vinyl] Vaselines 2009-05-05 SUB POP Vinyl
Face Control [Digipak] Handsome Furs 2009-03-10 SUB POP CD
Tight Knit Vetiver 2009-02-17 SUB POP Vinyl
Face Control Handsome Furs 2009-02-10 Sub Pop Vinyl
Move CSS 2008-11-04 SUB POP Vinyl
Teen Creeps No Age 2008-11-04 SUB POP Vinyl
Furr [Digipak] Blitzen Trapper 2008-09-23 SUB POP CD
Soft Airplane [Digipak] Chad VanGaalen 2008-09-09 SUB POP CD
Bits [Slimline] * Oxford Collapse 2008-08-05 Sub Pop (USA) CD
Fleet Foxes [Vinyl] Fleet Foxes 2008-06-03 SUB POP Vinyl
Superfuzz Bigmuff [Remastered Deluxe] Mudhoney 2008-05-20 SUB POP CD
Flight Of The Conchords [Digipak] Flight Of The Conchords 2008-04-22 SUB POP CD
Eraser [1 Track] No Age 2008-04-08 Sub Pop Vinyl
Antidotes (Bonus Tracks) [Digipak] Foals 2008-04-08 SUB POP CD
Only As The Day Is Long [Digipak] Sera Cahoone 2008-03-18 SUB POP CD
Saturnalia The Gutter Twins 2008-03-04 Sub Pop Vinyl
Saturnalia [Digipak] Gutter Twins 2008-03-04 SUB POP CD
Circular Sounds Kelley Stoltz 2008-02-05 SUB POP CD
Keep Your Eyes Ahead The Helio Sequence 2008-01-29 SUB POP Vinyl
Cease To Begin [Vinyl] Band Of Horses 2007-10-09 SUB POP Vinyl
Pillar Of Salt The Thermals 2007-06-19 SUB POP Vinyl
Plague Park Handsome Furs 2007-05-22 SUB POP Vinyl
Plague Park [Digipak] Handsome Furs 2007-05-22 SUB POP CD
Wincing the Night Away [Digipak] * Kylie Minogue 2007-01-23 SUB POP CD
Wincing The Night Away [LP] The Shins 2007-01-23 SUB POP Vinyl
Remember the Night Parties Oxford Collapse 2006-10-10 Sub Pop (USA) CD
Internalize Tall Birds 2006-09-12 SUB POP Vinyl
Avatar [Digipak] Comets On Fire 2006-08-08 SUB POP CD

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